Designed to compliment heirloom seeds, this collection of Australian native edible and medical plants is a must have for any kit. We’ve included a selection of 10 species of hardy, frost and drought tolerant species that offer a high level of nutritious and medical value. Proven to grow in Australian conditions and offer real survival benefits!
Included is smoke infused granules for any species that require smoke pre-treatment along with a booklet explaining growing conditions, edible information and medicinal information.
Medicinal species include –
Camel Bush x 20– The bark can be boiled and used as an antiseptic to wash wounds.
Minharri – Crush the leaves and boil in water. Rub to treat headaches, colds and rheumatism.
Emu Bush x 10– Leaf concoction or poultice to treat sores/wounds. Proven antiseptic with antibacterial properties.
Bush tucker species include –
Salt Bush x 12 – Salty sweet berries eaten straight from the tree. Boil the berries to make salt bush tea.
Bush Tomato x 6 – Fast growing shrub with vitamin C rich fruit. Can be dried and consumed like raisins.
Snow berries x 25 – Prolific fruiter of succulent white berries, eat raw or cook to make jams/chutney.
Golden Purslane x 25 – Rapid growing and easy to forage, leaves make a delicious and nutritious salad substitute.
Camel Bush x 20 – highly nutritious edible seed that can be ground into a flour for baking and damper.
Native carrot x 30– Smells and tastes just like carrot, cook the small tubers before eating.
Native Spinach x 5– The ultimate spinach alternative. Large edible leaves eat raw or cooked.
Not all species are available all year round. We try our best to include these listed but at times we will swap out for a like species. QR code found on tins has updated list and information or please contact us.